Basic Contest Rules:
THEMED CATEGORY : Open to all members
**Images for the Themed Category have to be taken during the previous 12 months.
**Images will be accepted until the 15th of the month prior to contest. Reminders will be sent via email and posted on the website.
Jan/Feb: Landscapes - deadline Feb.15th
Mar/Apr: Black/White - deadline Apr.15th
May/Jun: Wildlife - deadline Jun.15th
Jul/Aug: Still Life - deadline Aug.15th
Sep/Oct: Wabi Sabi - deadline Oct.15th
Nov/Dec: Image of the Year - due by Dec.15 (winners announced at the Jan. meeting.)
Open Category - Open to all members and does not have to pertain to the contest theme.
**Images for the Open Category do not have to be taken during the previous 12 months.
**Images will be accepted until the 15th of the month prior to contest. Reminders will be sent via email and posted on the website.
“Submit your contest images”
To Submit your images, email them to Sandra Barnes:
Contest Filing, Naming, and Sizing (updated)
Each judge will assign each submission a numeric score between 7 and 15, where 7 is lowest and 15 is highest. The judge’s comments will be kept and offered at the contest meetings. The comments are intended to help all members work toward improving their understanding and performance of the elements of photography.
Image of the Year:
Photographer of the Year:
The club member who receives the highest TOTAL point score for the year will be named “Photographer of the Year.”
Members with the 2nd and 3rd highest points will also be recognized In the case of a tie, multiple “Photographer of the Year” Awards will be given.