Brevard NC Waterfall Outing for April 14 through the 16th
The 14th will be a travel day and to get everyone into the mood we’ll visit a nearby waterfall that afternoon when you arrive.
The 15th is a busy waterfall day with 6 waterfalls, then trails are rated Easy, except for Moore Cover Falls which is rated Easy to Moderate.
The 16th is a travel day home with a quick visit to DuPont State forest to visit Hooker and Triple Falls. Hooker falls is an easy walk, Triple Falls has 3 waterfall vistas, the first one is easy, the middle falls is steep in spots and the tops falls (well hopefully you’ve had you fill and skip the upper falls).
We’re staying at the Hampton Inn Brevard NC. Currently they are working up a group rate, but the standard rate is $123-125 plus tax per night so I expect the group rate will be a better deal.
I’ll send you an update when the Group rate and links or codes are set up.
Interested? Please RSVP back to Ed and he will add you to the list.
****Here’s an update on the Brevard Waterfall outing April 14 to 16th.****
We were able to obtain a group rate of $109 per night plus taxes, etc at the Hampton Inn at 275 Forest Gate Center, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 .
Our Rate is not yet set up on the Hampton Inn website, they told me it would be active next week (3/10 - 3/14) but no specific date for it to be active.
I will try to book my room daily next week and will let will give you the details when it goes active.
I want to stress the $109 rate goes away April 1st, so when the rate is set up, don’t delay.
Details Later
If you’re interested in going with us, please RSVP back to Ed, if you haven’t done so yet.